Python Fundamentals

(PYTHON-FUNDA.AJ1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-280-9
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About This Course

The Python Fundamentals course covers a range of topics that are essential for beginners to learn the basics of Python programming. The course includes Python syntax, data types, control structures, functions, modules, and more. It is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Python programming and enable learners to write basic Python code. In addition to the core topics, the course also covers best practices for Python programming and provides hands-on labs and real-world projects to help learners gain practical experience.

Skills You’ll Get

Candidates for this exam should be able to recognize and write syntactically correct Python code, recognize data types supported by Python, and be able to recognize and write Python code that will logically solve a given problem. Candidates are expected to have had, at a minimum, instruction and/or hands-on experience of approximately 100 hours with the Python programming language, be familiar with its features and capabilities, and understand how to write, debug, and maintain well-formed, well documented Python code.

Get the support you need. Enroll in our Instructor-Led Course.


13+ Lessons | 43+ Exercises | 61+ Quizzes | 138+ Flashcards | 138+ Glossary of terms


60+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 66+ Post Assessment Questions | 132+ Practice Test Questions

Video Lessons

31+ Videos | 02:02+ Hours



  • About the Course
  • Learning Objectives
  • Audience
  • Approach
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements
  • Software Requirements
  • Conventions
  • Installation

Introducing Python

  • Introduction
  • Working with the Python Interactive Shell
  • Writing and Running Simple Scripts
  • Variables
  • User Input, Comments, and Indentations
  • Summary

Data Types

  • Introduction
  • Numerical Data
  • Strings
  • Lists
  • Booleans
  • Summary

Control Statements

  • Introduction
  • Control Statements
  • The if Statement
  • The while Statement
  • while Versus if
  • Loops
  • The for Loop
  • The range Function
  • Nesting Loops
  • Breaking Out of Loops
  • Summary


  • Introduction
  • Built-In Functions
  • User-Defined Functions
  • Function Arguments
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Summary

Lists and Tuples

  • Introduction
  • List Syntax
  • List Methods
  • List Comprehensions
  • Tuple Syntax
  • Accessing Tuple Elements
  • Accessing Tuple Elements
  • Tuple Methods
  • Summary

Dictionaries and Sets

  • Introduction
  • Working with Dictionaries
  • Additional Dictionary Attributes
  • Ordered Dictionaries
  • The Basics of Sets
  • Set Operations
  • Frozen Sets
  • Summary

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Introduction
  • A First Look at OOP
  • OOP in Python
  • Methods in a Class
  • Class Versus Instance Attributes
  • Class Versus Instance Methods
  • Class Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Summary

Modules, Packages, and File Operations

  • Introduction
  • Defining Modules
  • Imports and Import Statements
  • Modules and Packages
  • File Operations
  • The file Object
  • Reading and Writing to Files
  • Handling Structured Data
  • Summary

Error Handling

  • Introduction
  • Built-In Exceptions
  • Handling Errors and Exceptions
  • Custom Exceptions
  • Summary

Appendix: PCAP Exam Objective

Appendix: PCEP-30-01 Exam Objective

Appendix: PCEP-30-02 Exam Objective

Introducing Python

  • Using the print Method
  • Displaying a Statement Multiple Times
  • Using Variable Assignment
  • Using Variables and Assigning Statements
  • Displaying the Multiplication Table

Data Types

  • Using Arithmetic Operators
  • Performing String Slicing Tasks
  • Working with Strings
  • Manipulating Strings Using the strip Method
  • Working with Lists
  • Using Boolean Operators

Control Statements

  • Working with the if Statement
  • Working with the while Statement
  • Using the for Loop and the range Function
  • Using Nested Loops


  • Working with Function Arguments
  • Using Lambda Functions

Lists and Tuples

  • Using List Methods
  • Using Tuple Methods

Dictionaries and Sets

  • Arranging and Presenting Data Using Dictionaries
  • Combining Dictionaries
  • Creating Intersections of Elements in a Collection

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Defining Methods in a Class
  • Creating Class Attributes
  • Creating Class Methods and Using Information Hiding
  • Overriding Methods
  • Implementing Multiple Inheritance

Modules, Packages, and File Operations

  • Using Resources in a Module

Error Handling

  • Identifying Error Scenarios
  • Handling Errors
  • Creating the Custom Exception Class

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USD $127


Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions

The exam contains 40-60 questions.

45 minutes


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