HRCI Courses

Imagine waking up excited about work you love, aligned with your goals. Our courses help you get there. Thousands have transformed their careers. Now it's your time!

Professional in Human Resources Certification(PHR/SPHR)

Professional in Human Resources Certification(PHR/SPHR)

Prepare and practice for the PHR/SPHR certification exams with our comprehensive course. Boost your HR career!

AI Tutor AI Tutor
Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep
Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) HRCI Intermediate New Business Project and Process Management

Professional in Human Resources Certification(PHR/SPHR)

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
17+ Interactive Lessons
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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