Android Programming for Beginners Third Edition

This course includes
Hands-On Labs
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Hands-On Labs

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  • Who this course is for
  • What this course covers
  • Conventions used

Beginning Android and Java

  • Technical requirements
  • What's new in the third edition?
  • Why Java and Android?
  • The beginner's first stumbling block
  • How Java and Android work together
  • Setting up Android Studio
  • What makes an Android app?
  • The structure of Android's Java code
  • Building our first Android app
  • Deploying the app so far
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Summary

First Contact: Java, XML, and the UI Designer

  • Examining the logcat output
  • Exploring the project Java and the main layout XML
  • Adding buttons to the main layout file
  • Leaving comments in our Java code
  • Coding messages to the user and the developer
  • Writing our first Java code
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Summary

Exploring Android Studio and the Project Structure

  • Project Explorer and project anatomy
  • Exploring the file and folder structure of the Empty Activity project template
  • Exploring the file and folder structure of the Basic Activity project template
  • Exploring a Basic Activity project
  • Exploring the Android emulator
  • Summary

Getting Started with Layouts and Material Design

  • Finding out about Material Design
  • Exploring Android UI design
  • Introducing layouts
  • Building a precise UI with ConstraintLayout
  • Laying out data with TableLayout
  • Linking back to the main menu
  • Summary

Beautiful Layouts with CardView and ScrollView

  • Attributes quick summary
  • Building a UI with CardView and ScrollView
  • Creating a tablet emulator
  • Frequently asked question
  • Summary

The Android Lifecycle

  • The life and times of an Android app
  • How Android interacts with our apps
  • A simplified explanation of the Android lifecycle
  • How we handle the lifecycle phases
  • Lifecycle demo app
  • The structure of Java code – revisited
  • Introducing fragments and the lifecycle
  • Summary

Java Variables, Operators, and Expressions

  • Java is everywhere
  • Understanding Java syntax and jargon
  • Storing and using data with variables
  • Using variables
  • Changing values in variables with operators
  • Trying out expressions
  • Summary

Java Decisions and Loops

  • Making decisions in Java
  • Switching to make decisions
  • Repeating code with loops
  • for loops
  • Loops demo app
  • Summary

Learning Java Methods

  • Methods revisited
  • Method structure
  • Using method demo apps
  • Exploring method overloading
  • Scope and variables revisited
  • Method recursion
  • Questions
  • Summary
  • Further reading

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Important memory management warning
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Looking at the code for a class
  • Basic classes app
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Summary

More Object-Oriented Programming

  • Remember that encapsulation thing?
  • Static methods
  • Encapsulation and static methods mini-app
  • OOP and inheritance
  • Inheritance example app
  • Polymorphism
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Summary

The Stack, the Heap, and the Garbage Collector

  • All the Android UI elements are classes too
  • Inner and anonymous classes
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Summary

Anonymous Classes – Bringing Android Widgets to Life

  • Declaring and initializing the objects
  • Creating UI widgets from pure Java without XML
  • Exploring the palette – part 1
  • Anonymous classes
  • Exploring the palette and more anonymous classes – part 2
  • The Widget Exploration app
  • Using WebView
  • Running the Widget Exploration app
  • Summary

Android Dialog Windows

  • Dialog windows
  • The Note to Self app
  • Summary

Arrays, Maps, and Random Numbers

  • A random diversion
  • Handling large amounts of data with arrays
  • Simple array example mini-app
  • Getting dynamic with arrays
  • Entering the nth dimension with arrays
  • ArrayList
  • Arrays and ArrayList instances are polymorphic
  • More Java collections – meet the Java HashMap
  • The Note to Self app
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Summary

Adapters and Recyclers

  • RecyclerView and RecyclerAdapter
  • Adding RecyclerView, RecyclerAdapter, and ArrayList to the Note to Self project
  • Running the app
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Summary

Data Persistence and Sharing

  • Android intents
  • Adding a settings page to Note to Self
  • Persisting data with SharedPreferences
  • Reloading data with SharedPreferences
  • Making the Note to Self settings persist
  • More advanced persistence
  • Backing up user data in Note to Self
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Summary


  • Making the Note to Self app accessible for Spanish and German speakers
  • Running Note to Self in German or Spanish
  • Summary

Animations and Interpolations

  • Animations in Android
  • Animation demo app – introducing SeekBar
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Summary

Drawing Graphics

  • Understanding the Canvas class
  • Using the Canvas class
  • Canvas demo app
  • The Android coordinate system
  • Creating bitmaps
  • Manipulating bitmaps
  • Bitmap manipulation demo app
  • Frequently asked question
  • Summary

Threads and Starting the Live Drawing App

  • Creating the Live Drawing project
  • The game loop
  • Threads
  • Implementing the game loop with a thread
  • Running the app
  • Summary

Particle Systems and Handling Screen Touches

  • Adding custom buttons to the screen
  • Implementing a particle system effect
  • Handling touches
  • Running the app
  • The Android Studio Profiler tool
  • Summary

Supporting Different Versions of Android, Sound Effects, and Spinner Widget

  • Handling different versions of Android
  • The SoundPool class
  • Sound demo app introducing the Spinner widget
  • Summary

Design Patterns, Multiple Layouts, and Fragments

  • Introducing the model-view-controller pattern
  • Android design guidelines
  • Real-world apps
  • Device detection mini-app
  • Configuration qualifiers
  • Fragments
  • Our first Fragment app
  • Fragment reality check
  • Frequently asked question
  • Summary

Building a Simple Image Gallery App

  • Angry Birds classic swipe menu
  • Building an image gallery/slider app
  • Summary

Advanced UI with Navigation Drawer and Fragment

  • Introducing NavigationView
  • Examining the Simple Database app
  • Starting the Simple Database project
  • Exploring the autogenerated code and assets
  • Coding the Fragment classes and their layouts
  • Using the Fragment classes and their layouts
  • Summary

Android Databases

  • Databases 101
  • SQL syntax primer
  • Android SQLite API
  • Coding the database class
  • Coding the Fragment classes to use the DataManager class
  • Running the Age Database app
  • Summary

A Quick Chat before You Go

  • Publishing
  • Make an app!
  • Keep learning
  • My other channels
  • Goodbye and thank you


Beginning Android and Java

  • Building an Android App

First Contact: Java, XML, and the UI Designer

  • Adding Button
  • Handling Button Clicking using Java Methods

Exploring Android Studio and the Project Structure

  • Exploring an Empty Activity and Android Emulator

Getting Started with Layouts and Material Design

  • Creating a Table Layout

The Android Lifecycle

  • Creating the Lifecycle Demo App

Java Decisions and Loops

  • Understanding Loops

Learning Java Methods

  • Using Method Overloading

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Using Class

More Object-Oriented Programming

  • Using Encapsulation and Static Methods
  • Using inheritance

Android Dialog Windows

  • Creating a Dialog Window

Arrays, Maps, and Random Numbers

  • Creating an App using Array
  • Using Dynamic Array
  • Using Multidimensional Array

Drawing Graphics

  • Using the Canvas
  • Using Bitmap Manipulation

Design Patterns, Multiple Layouts, and Fragments

  • Creating a Device Detection App

Building a Simple Image Gallery App

  • Building an Image Slider App

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